S. E. Pavlov,
T. N. Pavlova, K. V. Subbotina, A. S. Pavlov
Russian State University of Physical
Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism
Key words:
adaptation, functional systems, sport, training and preparing athletes,
sports-pedagogical process, functional rehabilitation, therapeutic infra-red
laser, specific and non-specific stimulation sport work capacity, rise of the
level of athletes’ training.
Abstract: The
system of athlete’s complex preparation proposed
by us is based first of all on the existing physiological laws, specially the
laws of adaptation of the living organism to functioning in the factors of
internal and external environment. The data, received in our researches, has
proved the erroneous judgement based exclusively on stressogenic influence of
training and competitive loads of high capacity and intensity. We have analyzed
the fundamental regulations of the
present-day theory of adaptation and determined their discrepancy in the
existing physiological laws and conditions of adaptation to sports loads in
particular. Radical changes have been made by us in the theory of adaptation,
taking into account fundamental regulations of the theory of functional systems
and classical regulations of the theory of unspecified aspect of adaptation. We
have proposed a new approach to composing the sports training and tactics of
medical measures in principle. We have reported about new method of enhancement
of sporting work capacity by laser’s stimulation, adapted specially to real
training and competitive condition and used in different periods of athlete’s
The aim of the
present work of sports educational specialists, doctors and psychologists
participating in training of sportsmen is to provide for the rise of the level
of training and achievement by the athletes of the highest results. At the same
time, unified principal orientation of various specialists’ work does not
guarantee real unification of their efforts and, accordingly, achievement of
the required result. The theses about the unanimity of all the parts of
training qualified sportsmen can be realized exceptionally on the basis of
knowledge and practical use by all the specialists, working with sportsmen, of
really working physiological laws and theory and methods of sport training
based on these laws (drawing1).
Taking into
consideration all mentioned above it should be said that till now nobody has
managed to describe fully the laws of the development of human organism.
Absolute majority of sport specialists
ignore real laws of adaptation as there has not been created general theory of sport and accordingly there are no efficient
theories and methods of sporting
training per different kinds of sports. Disconnection of the basic
scientific and practical directions of sportsmen’s training has come to its
absolute which has made it already complitely impossible to create the
necessary for sports modern service of medical and biological calisthenics of
Critical analysis
of the present day’s predominant concept of mechanisms of adaptation
(H. Selye, 1936, 1952; F. Z. Meerson,1981;
F. Z. Meerson, M. G. Pshennikova,1988;
V. N. Platonov,1988, 1997; and others) made it possible to estimate
their absurdity in full measure and resulted in a necessity to describe basic
really functioning adaptation laws:
1. Adaptation is a
continuous process which can only be stopped because of the death of the
2. Any living organism
exists in a four-dimensional space and consequently, the processes of its
adaptation cannot be described in linear.
3. In the basis of the
process of adaptation of a highly organized organism always there is formation
of an absolutely specific functional system (to be precise – functional system
of a concrete behavioral act), adaptive modifications in which components serve
as one of the compulsory «instruments» of its formation.
4. System-constituent
factors of any functional system are final and intermediate results of its
«activity» which always determine the necessity of a multi-parametric
evaluation not only of the final result of the work of the system but also of
the characteristics of «duty cycle» of any functional system and determine its
absolute specificity.
5. Systematic responses
of the organism upon a complex of simultaneous and/or consecutive environmental
impacts are always specific and a non-specific unit of adaptation, being an
inseparable component of any functional system, also determines specifics of
its reaction.
6. It is possible and
necessary to speak about simultaneously affecting dominating and depending on
the situation afferent influence, but we should understand that the organism
always reacts to the complex of environmental influences by formation of a sole
specific to the particular complex functional system.
7. Functional system is
extremely specific and in the limits of this specificity it is relatively
labile only on the stage of its formation.
8. Any functional system,
independently on its complicacy, can only be formed on the basis of «preceding»
physiological (structure - functional) mechanisms (subsystems – according to
P. K. Anokhin, 1956, 1968, 1975 and others) which, depending on the
«requirements» of a concrete integrated system, can be involved or not involved
in it in the form of its components.
9. Complexity and
extension of the «duty cycle» of functional systems have no limits in time and
in space.
10. A compulsory
condition of a qualitative formation of any functional system is permanency or
periodicity of action (during the whole of the period of formation of the
system) upon the organism of standard invariable complex of environmental
factors, «providing» for equally standard afferent constituent part of the
11. One more compulsory
condition of formation of any functional systems is participation in the
process of the memory mechanisms.
12. Adaptation process,
in spite of the fact that it goes on according to general laws, is always individual,
because it exists in direct dependence on the genotype of this or that
individual and is realized in the limits of this genotype and in accordance
with former vital activity of given phenotype organism (S. E. Pavlov,
2000, 2010 and others).
Absolute functional
specificity of complete functional systems, functional systems of concrete
behavior acts – is defined by equally absolute structural specificity of these
functional systems’ components, which «mutual assistance» provides for the
realization of the particular behavior acts. One of the mechanisms, supporting
specific mutual relationships between components of a concrete functional
system in the process of «execution» by the organism of a concrete behavior
act, can be a mechanism of aimed redistribution of peripheral blood circulation
with primary guaranty for physiological components, participating in the work
of the system (S. E. Pavlov, 2000, 2010; S. Pavlov,
Z. Ordzhonikidze, T. Kuznetsova, 2001)
Thus, in accordance
with the functioning adaptation laws
(S. E. Pavlov, 2000, 2010 and others): any concrete human activity is
absolutely specific according to superficial parameters of this activity and to
structural and functional characteristics of the work of the organism,
fulfilling this activity. Absolute specificity of each concrete activity of an
organism always causes an absolute specificity of structural and functional
expenditures and consequently – absolute specificity of rehabilitation
processes and adaptation changes which lie in the basis of physiological
mechanisms of the rise of athlete’s efficiency. (S. E. Pavlov, 2010).
In view of the aforesaid: in training a sportsman, first of all, there must be
observed principles of specificity and optimization of sports and pedagogical
process construction. Absolute specificity of a concrete activity, specificity
of expenditures and rehabilitation processes dictate the necessity of daily
estimation of specific characteristics of athlete’s organism concrete behavior
– necessity to introduce into the process of qualified sportsmen’s training
physiologically approved arrangements concerning current and operative control
after the sportsmen’s level of being prepared for training and emulative
(competitive) activity (S. E. Pavlov, I. N. Tumilovich, A. S. Pavlov,
2010) – including, for the construction of an efficient specific complex for
rehabilitation activity and arrangements to improve sportive efficiency
(drawing 2).
Special attention should be paid to the choice of
means and methods of rehabilitation and improvement of the athletes’
efficiency. One ought to understand that simple summation of unlimited numbers
of these means and methods not only does not guarantee a positive effect of
their use but can be resulted in a considerable decrease of sportsman’s special
efficiency and, accordingly, in
deterioration of his sporting results. And it is necessary to remember:
effects of the activity of any means and methods of rehabilitation and rise of
efficiency are realized in the organism due to physiological mechanisms
existing in it, which makes it compulsory to know and take into consideration
systematic laws of physiology during the process of construction of an efficient complex of measures on
improvement of the level of athlete’s training (S. E. Pavlov,
T. H. Kuznetsova, 1998; S. E. Pavlov, 2000, 2010).
The main aim of the
mutual work of a trainer or a coach and a specialist in medico- biological
sportsmen’s calisthenics securing is raising of the level of training and
athletic effectiveness of each concrete athlete (S. E. Pavlov,
T. N. Kuznetsova, 1998). And therefore, an effective complex of
actions on the raise of the level of training and athletic effectiveness cannot
be constructed in separation from the sports-pedagogical process and not taking
into consideration its peculiarities (drawing 3). One of the most important
aspects of this complex is satisfaction of a specific functional demand of the
sportsman’s organism performing some concrete training and emulative
(competitive) work under concrete conditions.
The choice of means
of specific sporting effectiveness stimulation today seems to be extremely
difficult because their greatest part is included into the list of means and
methods prohibited for application in sports. However knowledge of the laws of
physiology makes it possible to use means and methods of non-specific stimulation
of the organism’s physiological activity, allowed for application in sports,
for stimulation of its specific functions. In this case a compulsory condition
to achieve a higher level of training and higher sportive results is
application of extremely specific and
optimal training loads. Thus the problem of making training process optimal
(one of the corner-stones of sportive pedagogy) can be exclusively solved using
methods of current and efficient functional supervision after the level of
readiness of each concrete sportsman for concrete training activity
(T. N. Kuznetsova, 1989; T. N. Kuznetsova,
S. E. Pavlov, 1996; N. G. Gorodensky,
S. E. Pavlov, S. L. Sharmina, 1998).
For a non-specific
stimulation of sporting effectiveness it is suggested to use a method of
transcutan poly-zonal laser effect on neurovascular plexuses
(T. N. Kuznetsova, S. E. Pavlov, 1997;
S. E. Pavlov, 2008) with the help of therapeutic infra-red laser
template devices. In the experiment
(T. N. Kuznetsova, S. E. Pavlov, 1997; S. E. Pavlov,
T. N. Kuznetsova, 1998) there was proved high efficiency of
using transcutan poly-zonal laser method
on neurovascular plexuses in the training process of swimmers. (drawing 4)
In the experiment
with participation of qualified football players (S. E. Pavlov,
T. N. Pavlova, S. Rodionov, V. A. Fleckel, 2007) and
in practice there was proved high effectiveness of complex, physiologically
justified actions on the raise of the level of training athletes, specializing
in contact and playing kinds of sports (table 1, drawing 5). We should stress
out the necessity of strict individualization of complex training process for
each athlete.
Thus, practical use
of the laws of physiology, longstanding experiments connected with expert
evaluation of practical efficiency of various pedagogic conceptions of training sportsmen and
evaluation of the efficiency of various means and methods of rehabilitation and
raise of sporting capacity for work of the athletes, made it possible for us to
elaborate technology of complex training of sportsmen, specializing in cyclic and
contact and playing kinds of sports.